I feel the need to write.... So much has happened since deciding to bring Ethan home, since realizing that Home Schooling is more than a necessity but a high calling.
It has been amazing to me in the last few weeks as I came to the conclusion of being called to home school, how much our schooling has changed. It has a better flow now. I'd like to say that it's just because my kids are back in the rhythm of things with Ethan home. But the truth is that I've been changed. My attitude, heart and trust has changed. I now genuinely see the opportunity to home school as a blessing, not a burden. My heart has turned toward my children in love and compassion to teach them new and wonderful things while seeing the blessings in the tedious. And my trust in God is growing day by day. Our home is running smoother and I have found success and encouragement in a new business, Advocare. Because things are flowing smoothly I have time to invest in my children, husband and home. School has become not a burden but a blessing for all of us. We are learning and growing together and it's awesome as a parent to see that my children love each other.
If you had told me a few weeks ago that I would be running a healthier home, new home business, losing 10+ lbs, running and exercising 5 times a week, spending daily time in God's word and blessing my children and husband. I would have called you crazy. I've always felt I was running a little behind. You know what I mean....behind the pile of laundry, my children, finances and so on. There is always so much to do and it seems so little time.
Business: Our family has begun taking fantastic supplements that have radically changed my energy level and ability to focus. I've lost 10+ lbs and 12 inches on them, Jason's energy has improved and he's lost 7lbs. That has lead me to a distributorship with Advocare the makers of these great products. If you want to see what is rocking our health world take a look at our web site www.doitwithspark.com we've just been amazed. With the extra energy I've been able to keep up not only with my kids, but with my house! To me that's revolutionary and worth being a part of.
But one best parts of the extra energy are that I get up with Jason every morning, make him breakfast and then send him off to work. Then the best part is the quiet time I get with the Lord every morning. I can't believe how much I've been learning. My mind has so many questions each time I study the Bible and I love having the time to seek the answers!! There is nothing better than time with God! My whole day looks different when I view it as a gift from God for me to discover.
Usual Disclaimer.....lol...I'm not perfect! I'm not everyday consistent....and I still do the things I don't want to do, even when I know what I should do. I've still got so much to learn. Not every school day is heaven, not every quiet time is quiet, my house is not Martha Stewart perfect and not every Advocare product is for every person.....
So how about you? What are you involved in? What have you been learning?
Are you learning as you go? I hope I always will be....
What an encourager you are to home schooling Moms! So thrilled to hear spark is giving you the energy to fit everything into the day! - Heather