Monday, January 25, 2016


Time....that illusive thing that we never seem to have enough of.

Time is precious, time is necessary, time is out of our control.
We don't have time to do the things we want to...barely have time to do the things we need to.

And yet our time goes by...
until it doesn't
and we have no control of when that will happen either.
For some people there will come a time in their lives where time stands still and with great clarity can see our world, our sin, our need, and what really matters eternally.  Then we can see time for what it is...a gift.
I was given the gift of clarity through the experience of two incredibility rare and deadly strokes. 
For 4 days' time stood still...
I would like to share this experience with you.  I desire to share the truths that are so evident around us but we are to busy to see them.  I'm not a crier but I weep with joy over the gift I have been given, the message I have received of hope, faith, life, and a love that I can barely wrap my mind around.
Time is precious, necessary, and while it is completely out of our control.... it is completely in HIS!
If you'd like join me on this life learning...there are things Jesus will share with us.
Philippians 1:21-22a "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  But, if I am to live on in the flesh this will mean fruitful labor for me;"

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